4 Letter Words List (5841)
- that 6
- with 9
- this 6
- from 10
- have 10
- were 7
- they 8
- will 9
- been 8
- more 7
- such 10
- when 10
- time 7
- than 7
- some 7
- what 9
- only 8
- into 5
- also 5
- them 9
- said 5
- made 8
- your 7
- most 7
- then 7
- over 8
- each 9
- year 6
- work 11
- same 7
- many 10
- upon 9
- must 8
- well 9
- very 10
- used 6
- part 7
- like 9
- even 9
- make 11
- case 7
- much 13
- both 9
- life 8
- good 7
- york 10
- long 8
- high 10
- does 5
- city 9
- just 14
- here 6
- data 5
- know 12
- less 5
- back 14
- take 8
- down 9
- last 5
- form 10
- area 4
- fact 10
- line 6
- come 10
- four 8
- thus 7
- need 6
- john 16
- home 9
- cost 7
- rate 4
- days 7
- land 7
- give 10
- bill 9
- hand 8
- held 8
- name 8
- left 8
- best 7
- five 11
- find 9
- type 9
- full 10
- free 7
- side 5
- care 7
- book 11
- came 10
- next 12
- body 10
- done 6
- head 7
- feet 7
- plan 9
- once 8
- want 8
- show 9
- date 5
- half 10
- term 7
- west 7
- bank 12
- real 5
- away 9
- test 4
- help 10
- open 8
- cent 8
- paid 8
- read 5
- room 7
- view 11
- note 5
- rule 6
- true 5
- took 8
- seen 5
- ever 8
- went 8
How many 4 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 4-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 4214 4-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 5466 4-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 4587 4-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 4-letter words?
The most common 30 4-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 4-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | zizz(31 points), jizz(29 points), jazz(29 points), fuzz(25 points), fizz(25 points), buzz(24 points), bazz(24 points), tizz(22 points), razz(22 points), quiz(22 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | zzzs(31 points), zizz(31 points), jizz(29 points), jazz(29 points), hizz(25 points), fuzz(25 points), fizz(25 points), pozz(24 points), muzz(24 points), mozz(24 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | zizz(31 points), jizz(31 points), jazz(31 points), muzz(26 points), fuzz(26 points), buzz(26 points), wazz(25 points), fizz(25 points), juju(24 points), hajj(24 points). |
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