4 Letter Words List (5841)
- aero 4
- airs 4
- airt 4
- aits 4
- area 4
- ares 4
- aria 4
- arre 4
- arse 4
- arts 4
- asea 4
- ates 4
- ears 4
- ease 4
- east 4
- eats 4
- eras 4
- erat 4
- eros 4
- errs 4
- erst 4
- eses 4
- esse 4
- etas 4
- etat 4
- etre 4
- iora 4
- iota 4
- ires 4
- irie 4
- iris 4
- ists 4
- iter 4
- oars 4
- oast 4
- oats 4
- ooer 4
- oots 4
- ores 4
- orra 4
- orts 4
- osar 4
- oses 4
- ossa 4
- osso 4
- otto 4
- raas 4
- raia 4
- rais 4
- rara 4
- rare 4
- rasa 4
- rase 4
- rass 4
- rata 4
- rate 4
- rato 4
- rats 4
- rear 4
- rees 4
- reis 4
- rest 4
- rete 4
- rets 4
- rias 4
- riot 4
- rise 4
- rite 4
- roar 4
- roes 4
- roos 4
- root 4
- rort 4
- rosa 4
- rose 4
- rota 4
- rote 4
- roti 4
- roto 4
- rots 4
- sais 4
- sari 4
- sass 4
- sate 4
- sati 4
- sear 4
- seas 4
- seat 4
- seer 4
- sees 4
- seis 4
- sera 4
- sere 4
- sers 4
- sess 4
- seta 4
- sets 4
- sett 4
- sire 4
- sirs 4
- site 4
- sits 4
- soar 4
- soie 4
- soit 4
- soot 4
- sora 4
- sore 4
- sori 4
- sort 4
- sots 4
- sris 4
- star 4
- stat 4
- stet 4
- stir 4
- stoa 4
- stot 4
- taos 4
- tara 4
How many 4 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 4-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 4214 4-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 5466 4-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 4587 4-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 4-letter words?
The most common 30 4-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 4-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | zizz(31 points), jizz(29 points), jazz(29 points), fuzz(25 points), fizz(25 points), buzz(24 points), bazz(24 points), tizz(22 points), razz(22 points), quiz(22 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | zzzs(31 points), zizz(31 points), jizz(29 points), jazz(29 points), hizz(25 points), fuzz(25 points), fizz(25 points), pozz(24 points), muzz(24 points), mozz(24 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | zizz(31 points), jizz(31 points), jazz(31 points), muzz(26 points), fuzz(26 points), buzz(26 points), wazz(25 points), fizz(25 points), juju(24 points), hajj(24 points). |
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