There are a total of 58 4-letter words starting with 'sa', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- saag 6
- sabe 7
- sabs 7
- sack 11
- sacs 7
- sade 5
- sadi 5
- sado 5
- sads 5
- safe 7
- saft 7
- saga 6
- sage 6
- sago 6
- sags 6
- sagy 8
- saic 6
- said 5
- sail 5
- saim 6
- sain 5
- sair 4
- sais 4
- sake 8
- saki 8
- sale 5
- sall 4
- salp 8
- sals 5
- salt 5
- sama 6
- same 7
- samp 10
- sams 6
- sand 6
- sane 5
- sang 7
- sank 9
- sans 5
- sant 5
- saps 7
- sard 5
- sari 4
- sark 8
- sars 4
- sash 6
- sass 4
- sate 4
- sati 4
- saul 6
- saut 4
- save 8
- savs 7
- sawm 10
- sawn 8
- saws 7
- saxe 11
- says 6
There are 58 4-letter words starting with "sa" in the well-known word game dictionary, 42 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 56 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 46 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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